Thursday, September 5, 2013

parrot tulips continued

I'm really enjoying painting these parrot tulips!
Two tulips done and one to go.
This will hopefully be my Christmas card this year.
The original painting will be in my Etsy shop after completion.

I was side-lined just a bit with a broken toe & a dying computer. 
Replaced the computer (hooked it up myself and got the tower & all the cords off the floor).
The little toe will mend in a few more weeks.... oh, the hazards of barefoot woodwork painting.

Thanks for stopping by!  I have a lot of blogs to catch up on!


  1. Beautiful tulips, Carol. I hope you and your computer are on the way to recovery!

  2. Gorgeous tulips . . . making this in a card for Etsy shop for AFTER Christmas?

    1. Hi Lynne,
      This will be printed on my personal Christmas cards this year. The original painting will go in the shop as soon as I finish it.

  3. Hope your toe heals well . . . they can be very painful!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous!

  5. Yes GORGEOUS>> so beautiful. love,Diana
