Saturday, December 30, 2017

my year in painting

My year in painting, 
which I consider a big achievement since I shattered my right shoulder blade in 11/16.

At that time, in so much pain, I was worried I would not regain total movement in my right arm.  
I worked hard at my physical therapy and started painting again in February 2017. 

Learning to paint upright on an easel enabled me to work on my watercolors again.
I am very grateful.


  1. Hi Carol, I'm happy you recovered from your injury and started painting again! Your paintings are gorgeous!
    I wish you all the best for 2018!

  2. Happy painting for 2018, great work!

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your shattered shoulder. You jave amazing tenacity and stamina. What a lot you've achieved!
