Thursday, November 29, 2012


an amazing film
I highly recommend!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Free shipping in my Etsy shop
on all unframed art through 11/26/12.
Use coupon code FREESHIP at checkout.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wishing you a very 
Happy Thanksgiving!

I tried something new this year...
I cooked my turkey a day ahead.  So much less stress & hurry.

Friday, November 16, 2012

new cards

These sets and a few more are now available
in my Etsy shop.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

a chair dressed up in roses

I had so much fun painting this little French chair!

8" x 10" on Etsy

Thursday, November 8, 2012


We discovered two kittens under our hedges.
These babies went through the hurricane last week
and the snowstorm last night!

Oh, they are sweet!  They look about 5 weeks old.
Beautiful fur & chubby little bodies.
One of them hissed at me but the one above was so calm.
We took them inside and left a humane trap to catch the mother cat.

Since we have two male cats in the house, there was no way to keep them.
The mother has not returned and we will keep checking for her.

The animal shelter took the kittens and if the mom returns,
we'll reunite her with her babies.

Monday, November 5, 2012

I solved my paint brush problem

 I have tried all sorts of methods for keeping my brushes at hand.

Finally, I came up with this solution for only $2.77.
I bought a bucket grid in the paint section of Home Depot.

I already had the Lucite  silverware caddy.  I removed the caddy handle,
filled it with rice, adjusted the metal ends of the grid, and

I have a great brush caddy!
Do I need all those brushes, you ask?
It's very easy to amass brushes, especially when you first begin to paint.  
You think a better or at least a different brush will make you paint better.  
Sometimes it does.

...and, like most artists, I like to buy art supplies.
I'll show you my paint stash someday.
Same theory: new color = better painting

I like Daniel Smith's Platinum Series brushes right now.
My most favorite brush is a free one from Cheap Joe's.
I reach for that one every time but now the point is gone.
Think I have room for a new one?!