I have tried all sorts of methods for keeping my brushes at hand.
Finally, I came up with this solution for only $2.77.
I bought a bucket grid in the paint section of Home Depot.
I already had the Lucite silverware caddy. I removed the caddy handle,
filled it with rice, adjusted the metal ends of the grid, and
I have a great brush caddy!
Do I need all those brushes, you ask?
It's very easy to amass brushes, especially when you first begin to paint.
You think a better or at least a different brush will make you paint better.
Sometimes it does.
...and, like most artists, I like to buy art supplies.
I'll show you my paint stash someday.
Same theory: new color = better painting
I like Daniel Smith's Platinum Series brushes right now.
My most favorite brush is a free one from Cheap Joe's.
I reach for that one every time but now the point is gone.
Think I have room for a new one?!