Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Stolen Art

Kathleen from Trowel and Paintbrush posted about her art being stolen.  She found out by doing a reverse image search.  I thought I'd give it a try and lo & behold:

That's MY pink peony

no doubt about it!

Just got back from 2 weeks in France (which I'll post later).
I'm seriously jet-lagged and MAD!
I've emailed Zazzle and will call when they're opened.


  1. Now that is just plain "not right!" I would be furious too! Let us know what you find out! I think a hefty fine needs to happen!

    1. No, the company Noteable Expressions just gets a warning and Zazzle is removing the images.

  2. Hope you get swift action, Carol. I am still waiting for news of my case with Anthropologie. Who needs this stress? The good thing is that we have a way to check now.

    1. Thanks, Kathleen. Just found that an art director in Turkey has my painting in his/her portfolio. I had to email that person & then report it to the host company. Zazzle, mean while gives the other company a warning and takes the images down. Zazzle is international. I am just fed up with this. Again, I would not have known if it weren't for you. Thank you so much!

  3. So sorry to hear about your art being stolen.
    I often wonder, what one can do about this. I too have some of my art out there.
    I see you have coppyrights.. Did you register it! I do hope so.
    Hope you get it sorted.

    1. Check your images. This was the only one without a watermark because I stupidly thought the signature was enough back when I first started posting. It's watermarked now.
